Friday, June 6, 2008

any of you who know me, well actually even the people who REALLY know me, may not know obsessed with Sylvia Browne.

she is a psychic that is often featured on the Montel Williams Show and as i always say, "i may be the only mormon who believes in psychics...." but i really believe in her! me and one of my friends/clients went and saw her when she came to Salt Lake, so here are some pictures of me getting my book signed! i was so excited i could barely breathe!

the entire night she talked about her predictions for the next few years then did some reading for some people.....INTERESTING....everyone in the audience had a wrist band on with a number and she would draw numbers out of a basket and if your number got picked you could go up and get a reading from Sylvia, one girl got up and she completely described her deceased husband and little mannerisms he would do and then she said to the girl, "he died of complications of diabetes right?" and the girl said yes, then sylvia totally pinpointed several other things that were wrong with him before he died, then in the middle of this girls reading, Sylvia stops and says "ok, someone in this section (and she points to the middle front section of the room) has a loved one who died recently from an explosion and this person who died wont leave me alone, i need to talk to his wife so he will leave me alone," so then she continues to describe how this person died, in an explosion on a mountain with several other people, etc. etc. she kept going on and on about it, till finally this lady raised her hand and said "i think you are talking about my husband..." so Sylvia brings her on stage and gives her this whole spill about her husband, describes how he looked, his death, etc. then says "you and several people are waiting on some sort of money settlement right? your husband keeps giving me the number 200...does this make sense?" the lady said that of all the immediate family members that were affected it was around 200, well come to find out they were talking about the Crandall Canyon Mine accident, they sylvia said "mark my words, around july or august, you will get closure over this, it will be all over the news, the person that is behind all of this is holding back some important info and it will all come to a head soon, and you and the familys will finally get some restitution, not as much money as you want but you will get some money"

so i will be on pins and needles every day in july and august, watching the news waitiing to see if there is any info about all of that! i know many of you think im crazy,,,, but me and mom seriously believe in her! so if it happens, all you skeptics will have to change your mind!
p.s. after that blistering comment from my friend jamie, yes, my friend that i went to sylvia browne with is named jamie and we had a blast! thanks for going with me jamie and for being my professional photographer

1 comment:

JamieD said...

how rude that you can't even post that your friend/client who went with you to see sylvia was can say my name it won't kill you. Plus I get photo credit for my fantastic picture skills.. I know they suck but man they wouldn't let me stop to take a good one. Anyways that was a fun night!! You're my fav crazy Sylvia Browne fan ever.