Tuesday, June 24, 2008

i got tagged by jp and im totally excited about it.....so here goes......

3 joys:

-my hubby (unlike jp, i put my husband first..... ha ha)
-my work
-my family

3 fears:

-breaking my arm or something like that, which would make it so i couldn't work
-losing a family member ( is it bad i put sharks above losing a family member? whoops.....)

3 goals:

-stop gossiping.......which is so hard to do.......
-be a better spouse
-be a better hairstylist

3 obsessions:

-my husband and dog (should that count as 2?)

3 random facts:

-I was diagnosed at the age of 12 as being legally blind......i don't tell many people that, cause as soon as i do, they look at me crazy and say "and your a hairstylist????" but thanks to a very high prescription for my contacts i can see.....for now.....
-I can't snap my fingers; i have tried and tried for YEARS and never have been able to....
-i only dated my husband for 3 weeks before we got engaged, and a total of 3 months by the time we got married.....


Jessica said...

Don't judge just cuz I put my dogs 1st! I love that you can't snap that is so funny. And speaking of legally blind I think Harley scratched Lucy's eye and now she won't open it. I hope she's ok.

Kiersten said...

I'm legally blind, too! That's probably why we were friends in 6th grade, because no one else would play with us because we were blind (and kinda weird)! Also, thanks to that one time that we watched the Real World at your house when they were swimming with 8-foot tiger sharks, I'm scared to death of them, too! If I think about them too much when I'm swimming, even if it's in a pool, I get kinda freaked out!

Kerstin said...

i'm sure jason is blind too since his perscription is a negative ten...what is yours? ps see ya friday trigga