Friday, March 27, 2009

How would you like....

i read this on cjane's blog today....."The thought hit me that I think I judge a woman's character on the idea of being her daughter.If I'd like to be her daughter (for a day, let's say) I judge her to be a good woman. Now, if you think this is narrow-minded of me, I will say that I just sat in the tub for the last half hour and thought of women who I don't especially like but I'd still be willing to be their offspring. Both real and fictional characters. Emma Woodhouse would make a fun mom, no? As would Cruella De Vil (especially if you like both black and white). And for the sake of pop culture, how would you like to be Paula Abdul's daughter? Think about that one."

i like this idea.....

-Princess Di....that would be fun to be her daughter, she was so pretty

-The "Octo-Mom" THAT would be interesting....

-Michelle Obama....she seems like a good according to Cjane that makes her a good woman...

-Tina Turner....she seems like fun....she would wear short dresses and dance around in her kitchen and be a fun mom

-Denise Richards....she seems like a nightmare to me...yikes....

a lot of people say to me "it must be fun to have your mom as your mom...."

and yes, it IS fun to have my mom and to be her daughter....

Im so lucky.

Lucky me.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

random things...

Few things....

-im really liking our new bird Clover...he/she tweets when i watch QVC or the home shopping network....i knew we would get along....

-we are going here to celebrate my father in laws birthday and to eat lots of these

-im reading this it was recommended by several people....and so far....its interesting...its a short book which is a good thing cause i dont know how much longer i can read about a torrid love affair between a 15 year old boy and a 30 year old woman....i have always thought i could dig deep into a book but really? this book might be trying my patience....i heard the ending is interesting....if so that will be the saving grace of this book!

ps if anyone has read "The Reader" let me know so ill keep going...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

After much consideration and talking we have decided to adopt a baby.....
















we adopted a BABY BIRD!!!! Did you like my opening line? He he....

isn't it cute? we haven't decided on a name...any ideas?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

this is probably fake.....

but does it matter?

(ps i didnt write "yum"....i found this off a website and they put it on there!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


its funny how i feel guilty if my blog isn't updated Mom is good at always updating her just not so good at to make myself feel better here are some random photos......

1st: cabin trip.....way fun.....

2nd: my client has a scottie dog like Lily and we took her to my clients house for her "blind date" with Rocky....he is huge compared to her but we love him....(ps that is Rocky on the right, with the old man moustache, i wish Lily could get one of those moustaches going but she rubs what she has off....trying to be feminine )

3rd: we went to the jazz game last totally smoked whoever they were playing....the best part of the night was going with my hubby...oh and the cute headband i had on....tightest thing ever...but cute....

4th: i have wanted this bag since forever and you had to buy a flat iron in order to get it....didnt need a flat iron so i never got the bag.....until today...the owner of my salon found this beauty in the closet today and gave it to me! its huge i know but i want it for overnighters at the cabin! yea for a free bag!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

this weekend....


we are going here

to celebrate HER

and give her one of these

with THESE and THESE and THESE cute, wonderful, fabulous people

oh and the CUTEST BABY EVER.

and play lots of THESE

and sleep in cozy beds like this


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

pink dolphin...i love it

In Lake Calcasieu, Louisiana, a wonder worthy of Hello Kitty has been discovered!

A pink dolphin!

The dolphin's "stunningly pink" color is the result of albinism, which is indicated by its red eyes as well as its pink skin. Don't worry, the dolphin is totally healthy. He's just pink!

Charter boat captain Erik Rue spotted and photographed the pink dolphin, saying, "I had never seen anything like it. It's the same color throughout the whole body and it looks like it just came out of a paint booth."

Regina Asmutis-Silvia, senior biologist with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society reminds folks to "be careful, as with any dolphins, to respect it - observe from a distance, limit their time watching, don't chase or harass it."

That way everyone can enjoy the fabulous dolphin for as long as he lives!

[Image via CATERS NEWS.]